

Why I write:

For me, writing is a need, not merely a desire. The process is an ecstasy and an agony,  yet I'm called to it despite some very long days of suffering for a page, a paragraph, a sentence. But when it flows, it's like flying.

What I write:

I'm attracted to the darker stirrings within us. What lurks in our shadows? What twists our pain? What steers us into darkness and what saves us?

What writing has taught me:

I love literary fiction and the first-person retrospective. There is nothing more satisfying than journeying deep inside characters and experiencing their longings, their sorrows and their transformations.

Where I find my material:

I've always been able to observe the world and its occupants in relative obscurity. It's a form of meditation for me. I'm utterly fascinated by every aspect of nature, especially human nature.

Books I love:

Peace Like A River, Leif Enger

A Thousand Acres, Jane Smiley

Middlesex, Jeffrey Eugenides

Life of Pi, Yann Martel 

City of Thieves, David Benioff

Follow me:

Learn more about my journey and my writing on the following pages. Check me out on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and