My Work



Can siblings, Honey and Joey, recover from the worst thing to happen to them?

One cold October morning in 1960, Andre Sevigny, history professor, husband and father to five-year-old Honey and eight-year-old Joey, slips into the fog and doesn’t return. Two years later, after the family is forced to move from their beautiful home on Pill Hill to a crappy apartment in the inner-city of fictional Adam, Massachusetts, Honey begins her search for her father and discovers his research on war and God and his efforts to answer the existential questions about love, hate, suffering and spirituality. Much of what she uncovers in his research will play out in her and her brother’s lives. Joey, once happy to be his mother's confidante, finds himself in the unwanted role of family protector, too. He is terrified of his mother’s nighttime passions and the dangerous secret about her date-gone-terribly-wrong that lands a mobster in prison – temporarily. Desperate to toughen up, Joey befriends Billy D, the ballsy kid who can teach him the sucker punch. Joey divulges his mother’s secret to Billy D during a blood-brother pact meant to bind them together forever. When Joey disappoints Billy D, he learns just how tightly bound they are. 

Our Father's Wish voyages through the rapidly changing 1960s and the decades beyond. It questions our ideas of loss, love, God, war, hate, jealousy, envy, revenge and, ultimately, how we suffer. 



What happens when three friends realize they’re running out of time to fulfill their dreams of successful marriages and motherhood?

Samantha, Desiree and Bernadette meet at UC Berkeley in 1978. Just before graduating at age twenty-one, Sam loses her mother. Overwhelmed, she marries her boyfriend of six months. Less than a year later, her marriage is over. Sam is smart, strong-willed and has built a successful corporate training company, she believes she hasn’t met the kind of guy who can handle her strength. She's unaware she seeks men she can leave. 

Desiree, a stockbroker turned yoga instructor, is addicted to adventure and excitement. When she marries for the third time, she thinks she’s finally got it right. When her husband dies suddenly, she feels unmoored for the first time in her life.

Bernie, a petite, twinkly-eyed veterinarian, attracts strays from all species. Married once to a man who left her, she has always wanted a gaggle of kids but would settle for one. If Mr. Right isn’t out there, she’d be content with Mr. Okay.

The friends make a concerted effort to begin dating again and life gets complicated quickly. Through various trials and tribulations, they find they may not get what they want, but they can get what they need.



PRAISE FOR Our Father’s Wish

“I love your writing, the rich character details that make every character believable and compelling. You have so many challenges in this novel—kids’ povs, historical setting, multiple povs, thematic layers—but you handle each masterfully. This reads like a published novel from a veteran writer.” 

Raymond Obstfeld, Author, Professor, Screen-writer